Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to Draw Graffiti Letters

This article is just a quick step by step thing on graffiti letters.

  1. Start by learning letter structure. For a while you can put down the pen and markers. First try sketching just normal keyboard letters. Use bars by keeping and keep standard widths throughout the letters.
  2. You can now begin to mess around with your bars a little bit. Try making bars that bend different way, bars that get bigger or smaller or change the corners up a bit. But notice that the letter structure stays the same.
  3. Once you are comfortable doing that, you can add 3-D to your piece. This is done with a vanishing point where all the lines point to.
  4. Lastly, you can color your piece. It's nice to add some type of a halo or force field type thing around it so it stands out.
    You should look in comics or on the web for help on these things because they have really expressive words and backgrounds.
    • You can learn from others but never copy someone else's work. That's the number one rule of tagging.
    • You can also try adding extensions to your letters to make them look cooler. This takes time to get a feel for where they can go to still look good.
    • You could trace graffiti out of magazines just to get the feel of writing it, but don't trace it then say it's yours because that's cheating.
    • You can also use a stencil to practice.


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